Frequently Asked Questions
How safe is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an all-natural, drug-free treatment with virtually no side effects. In some cases, bruising may occur at the site of needle insertion. The infection risk is low because acupuncture needles are sterile, used once, and immediately discarded.
How do the acupuncture needles feel?
This varies from patient to patient. You may experience a quick stinging sensation followed by a heavy, tingling sensation. Other patients describe a dull ache. Most patients feel no pain at all and report a feeling of relaxation. Some patients fall asleep during treatment.
How long are the needles in place?
An average acupuncture treatment lasts approximately 20-30 minutes.
What can I expect on my first visit?
Your first visit will last approximately 60-90 minutes. This visit includes a detailed medical history and consultation. You will be asked a wide range of health questions to establish a complete and accurate diagnosis. Health questions include: physical symptoms, lifestyle, diet, emotions and more. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic medicine, meaning it treats you the person, not the disease. Treatment is based not only on your health but who you are and how you are. This allows the practitioner to treat the root of your health issue.
Follow-up visits typically last approximately 30 minutes.
How many treatments will I need?
It is possible for acupuncture to produce rapid results. However, it is more common that you will require a number of treatments over a period of time. Results vary from person to person depending on the condition.
How do I need to prepare for treatment?
- Make sure to wear loose fitting clothing for easier access to acupuncture points.
- Bring in any supplements or prescription drugs you are taking.
- Do not eat a large meal right before or after your treatment.
- Come to your appointment rested and relaxed. Try to avoid stressful situations.
- Take note of any changes that may have occurred since your last treatment. For example, has your pain diminished or moved to a new area?